Graduate Seminars

Fall 2021


MUMH 6000 - Seminar in Musicology


Music, Gender, Sexualities

MUET 5210/6010 - Seminar in Ethnomusicology

Instructor: Catherine Ragland

Analysis and Discovery of Serialism

MUTH 5680/6680 - Proseminar in Theory

Instructor: Frank Heidlberger

Colonialism and Latin American Music

MUMH 5711 - Proseminar in Musicology

Instructor: Bernardo Illari

J. S. Bach's 1725 Cantatas

MUMH 6000 - Seminar in Musicology

Instructor: Hendrik Schulze

Music and Ecologies in the Anthropocene

MUMH 6000 - Seminar in Musicology

Instructor: Andrew Chung

Spring 2021

Ethnomusicology, Public Works & Activities

MUET 5210/6010 - Seminar in Ethnomusicology

Instructor: Catherine Ragland

New Formenlehre & 19th Century Music

MUTH 5680/6680 - Proseminar in Music Theory

Instructor: Ellen Bakulina

New Approaches to Mahler and HIs Music

MUMH 6000 - Seminar in Musicology

Instructor: Margaret Notley

Printing, Buying, and Selling Music in Nineteenth Century Paris

6000 - Seminar in Musicology

Instructor: Peter Mondelli

Music and Archival Practice in the 21st Century

MUMH 6000 - Seminar in Musicology

Instructor: Rebecca Geoffroy-Schwinden

Spring 2020

Using Primary Sources in the Study of Reception History

MUMH 5030 - Advanced Issues in Music Research

Instructor: Mark McKnight

Music, Gender, and Sexualities

MUET 5210/6010 - Seminar in Ethnomusicology

Instructor: Catherine Ragland

Schema Theory

MUTH 5680/6680 - Proseminar in Music Theory

Instructor: Diego Cubero

Baroque Music and Diversity

MUMH 6740 - Baroque Music

Instructor: Bernardo Illari

Modernism in Music

MUMH 6770 - Music of the Twentieth Century

Instructor: Margaret Notley

Fall 2020

Sacred Music of South Asia

MUET 5210/6010 - Seminar in Ethnomusicology

Instructor: Vivek Virani

Interdisciplinary Keywords for Music and Sound Studies

MUTH 5680/6680 - Proseminar in Music Theory

Instructor: Andrew Chung

Sources & Source Criticism

MUMH 5711 - Proseminar in Musicology

Instructor: Hendrik Schulze

Intro to Popular Music Study

MUMH 6000 - Seminar in Musicology

Instructor: Brian Wright

Summer 2020

Aaron Copland & Pan-Americanism

MUMH 6160 - Major Composers

Instructor: William McGinney

Fall 2019

Borrowing in Western Music

MUMH 5030 - Advanced Issues in Music Research

Instructor: William McGinney

Latin American Cosmopolitan Music

MUMH 5030 - Advanced Issues in Music Research

Instructor: Bernardo Illari

Music + Semiotics

MUTH 5680/6680 - Proseminar in Music Theory

Instructor: David Bard-Schwarz

Audible History & Music from Renaissance to Recording

MUMH 5711 - Seminar in Musicology

Instructor: Rebecca Geoffroy-Schwinden

Proseminar in Ethnomusicology

MUET 6000 - Proseminar in Ethnomusicology

Instructor: Steven Friedson

Late Style: Beethoven et al.

MUMH 6160 - Major Composers

Instructor: Margaret Notley

Musical Instruments in American Culture

MUMH 6770 - Music of the Twentieth Century

Instructor: Brian Wright

Summer 2019

Aaron Copland and Pan-Americanism

MUMH 6160 - Major Composers

Instructor: William McGinney

Nineteenth Century Prima Donnas

MUMH 6760 - Music of the Romantic Era

Instructor: Peter Mondelli

Discourses of Musical Serialism and Their Contexts

MUMH 6770 - Music of the Twentieth Century

Instructor: Frank Heidlberger

Spring 2019

African Trance: Being Musical, Becoming Ritual

MUET 5210/6010 - Seminar in Ethnomusicology

Instructor: Steven Friedson

Harmonic and Tonal Systems of Pop/Rock

MUTH 5680/6680 - Proseminar in Music Theory

Instructor: David Heetderks

Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983) and Argentine Music

MUMH 6160 - Major Composers

Instructor: Bernardo Illari

Medieval Chant and Liturgy

MUMH 6720 - Medieval Music


The Baroque Trio Sonata: Unanswered Questions of Genre and Purpose

MUMH 6740 - Baroque Music

Instructor: Emily Hagen

Fall 2018

Women and Music at UNT

MUMH 5030 - Advanced Issues in Music Research

Instructor: Rebecca Geoffroy-Schwinden

Sacred Sound: Ritual, Religion, Spirituality and Music

MUET 5210/6010 - Seminar in Ethnomusicology

Instructor: Vivek Virani

Types of Censorship and Twentieth-Century Opera

MUMH 5711 - Seminar in Musicology

Instructor: Margaret Notley

Re-Evaluating Verdi: New Approaches to Criticism and Historiography

MUMH 6160 - Major Composers

Instructor: Emily Hagen

Performance Practice - Tuning Systems and Key Characteristics

MUMH 6510 - Seminar in Historical Performance Practices

Instructor: Hendrik Schulze

Medieval Music

MUTH 6680 - Proseminar in Music Theory

Instructor: Justin Lavacek

Music and Print Culture in the Renaissance

MUMH 6730 - Renaissance Music


Summer 2018

Aaron Copland's Imposed Simplicity

MUMH 6160 - Major Composers

Instructor: William McGinney

Aaron Copland and the American West

MUMH 6160 - Major Composers

Instructor: William McGinney

Spring 2018

Borrowing in Western Music

MUMH 5030 - Advanced Issues in Music Research

Instructor: William McGinney

Public Sector Ethnomusicology

MUET 5210/6010 - Seminar in Ethnomusicology

Instructor: Catherine Ragland

Self and the Nation: Latin American Chamber Music, 1850-1970

MUMH 6080 - Chamber Music

Instructor: Bernardo Illari

Berg's Operas and Contexts for Them

MUMH 6770 - Music of the Twentieth Century

Instructor: Margaret Notley

Fall 2017

Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in Latin American Music

MUMH 5030 - Advanced Issues in Music Research

Instructor: Bernardo Illari

Opera In Second Empire Paris

MUMH 5711 - Seminar in Musicology

Instructor: Peter Mondelli

Handel in Italy

MUMH 6160 - Major Composers

Instructor: Hendrik Schulze

Women and Gender in the Long Eighteenth Century

MUMH 6750 - Classical Music

Instructor: Rebecca Geoffroy-Schwinden

Summer 2017

Aaron Copland as American Composer

MUMH 6160 - Major Composers

Instructor: William McGinney

Printing, Buying, and Selling Music in Nineteenth-Century Paris

MUMH 6760 - Music of the Romantic Era

Instructor: Peter Mondelli

Spring 2017

Latin American Nationalisms and their Dilemmas

MUMH 5030 - Advanced Issues in Music Research

Instructor: Bernardo Illari

The Weaponization of Music

MUET 5210 - Seminar in Ethnomusicology

Instructor: Steven Friedson

Meter in Tonal Music

MUTH 5680/6680 - Proseminar in Music Theory

Instructor: Ellen Bakulina

Chamber Music in Vienna, ca. 1885 - ca. 1925

MUMH 6080 - Chamber Music

Instructor: Margaret Notley

Opera as Drama in Seventeenth-Century Venice

MUMH 6740 - Baroque Music

Instructor: Hendrik Schulze

Fall 2016

Music in Paris, 1815-1848

MUMH 5030 - Advanced Issues in Music Research

Instructor: Peter Mondelli

Studies in Music and Gender

MUET 5210/6010 - Seminar in Ethnomusicology

Instructor: Catherine Ragland

Music and Colonial Modernity: Criollo Composers from Latin America

MUMH 5711 - Seminar in Musicology

Instructor: Bernardo Illari

Mahler's Music and Compositional Contexts for It

MUMH 6160 - Major Composers

Instructor: Margaret Notley

Sonata Theory

MUTH 6680 - Proseminar in Music Theory

Instructor: Samantha Inman

The Renaissance Motet

MUMH 6730 - Renaissance Music


Summer 2016

A Diverse Baroque: Latin American Musics

MUMH 5030 - Advanced Issues in Music Research

Instructor: Bernardo Illari

Spring 2016

Phenomenological Approaches to Ethnomusicology

MUET 5210/6010 - Seminar in Ethnomusicology

Instructor: Steven Friedson

Philosophical Perspectives on Nineteenth-Century Form

MUTH 5680/6680 - Proseminar in Music Theory

Instructor: Diego Cubero

Latin American Chamber Music and its Dilemmas: The Tonal Era, 1870-1970

MUMH 6080 - Chamber Music

Instructor: Bernardo Illari

Performance Practice – Tuning Systems and Key Characteristics

MUMH 6510 - Seminar in Historical Performance Practices

Instructor: Hendrik Schulze

Metaphors of Ritual: Music by Stravinsky, Britten, Birtwistle, and Others

MUMH 6770 - Music of the Twentieth Century

Instructor: Margaret Notley

Fall 2015

The Life and Works of William Byrd

MUMH 5030 - Advanced Issues in Music Research


Latin American Occidentalism and its Dilemmas

MUMH 5030 - Advanced Issues in Music Research

Instructor: Bernardo Illari

Editing Monteverdi’s Incoronazione di Poppea

MUMH 5711 - Seminar in Musicology

Instructor: Hendrik Schulze

Debussy and the Symbolists

MUMH 6160 - Major Composers

Instructor: Peter Mondelli

Music and Social Institutions in Eighteenth-Century Paris

MUMH 6750 - Classical Music

Instructor: Rebecca Geoffroy-Schwinden